Citizens' Policy and Complaint Review Council


The New York State Commission of Correction’s Citizen’s Policy and Complaint Review Council (Council), established under Correction Law §42, is responsible to investigate, review or take action as it deems necessary with respect to grievances regarding any local correctional facility.

The Council also advises and assists the State Commission of Correction in developing policies, plans and programs for improving the Commission’s performance of its duties and for coordinating the efforts of the Commission and correctional officials to improve conditions of care, treatment, safety, supervision, rehabilitation, recreation, training and education in correctional facilities and to foster and promote research and study in correctional policy and program development deemed necessary or desirable by the Commission or Council.  


The Council is chaired by Commissioner Elizabeth Gaynes.

The Council consists of nine persons who are appointed by the governor, by and with the advice and consent of the senate. Members include one person who has served in the armed forces of the United States, in any foreign war, conflict or military occupation, who was discharged therefrom under other than dishonorable conditions, or has a qualifying condition, as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or is a discharged LGBT veteran, as defined in section one of the veterans' services law, and has received a discharge other than bad conduct or dishonorable from such service, or is a duly licensed mental health professional who has professional experience or training with regard to post-traumatic stress syndrome; one person who is an attorney admitted to practice in New York, one person who is a former incarcerated individual, one person who is a former correction officer, one person who is a former resident of a division for youth secure center or is a health care professional duly licensed to practice in New York, one person who is a former employee of the Office of Children and Family Services (OCFS) who has directly supervised youth in a secure residential center operated by OCFS and two at large members.  Members of the Council receive no compensation for their services but are reimbursed for their actual and necessary expenses that are incurred in the performance of their duties.


Member, County of ResidenceQualification for PositionFY 2023-24 ExpensesEst. FY 2024-25 Expenses
Elizabeth Gaynes, WestchesterChair$0$0
Ken Rosenblum, NassauMental Health professional with experience or training in post-traumatic stress syndrome, or a person who has served in the armed forces of the U.S. in any foreign war, conflict or military occupation, who was discharged other than dishonorable or has a qualifying condition who was discharged other than dishonorable or is a discharged LGBT veteran who was discharged other than dishonorable.$0$137.00
Roy Diehl, AlbanyAttorney$060.11
Troy Hurley, SuffolkFormer Correction Officer$0$1,005.89
Martin Stanton, AlbanyFormer Incarcerated Individual$0$34.80
VacantFormer Resident of OCFS Secure Center or Health Care Professional$0$0
VacantFormer DFY employee who has directly supervised youth in an OCFS Secure Residential Center$0$0
Signe Nelson, OnondagaAt large$0$901.32
Tammi Chaboty, SullivanAt large$0$148.69


Contact Commission of Correction

Contact us by phone:

By Phone518-485-2346

Mailing Address:

Alfred E. Smith State Office Building
80 S. Swan Street
Albany, NY 12210

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